A frugal mum who was sick of giving her son £2 a day to buy pasta at school has taught him how to make his own lunches – that cost just 15p per day.

Stephie Lehrle decided it was time her son learned to cook after she added up how much he was spending on food at school.

Instead of giving him the £2 for dinner, she spent an extra pound and brought home all the ingredients he would need to recreate the dish, before teaching him how to cook it.

Together, they then made a whopping 20 portions – meaning each of his school dinners now cost just 15p to make, saving the family an incredible £333 per year.

Stephie Lehrle's son
Stephie’s son has learned how to recreate his favourite school lunches

Sharing the news on Facebook, Stephie, from Stoke-on-Trent, said: “Tonight teaching my son the art of batch cooking, as our school meals are not particularly nutritious or cost effective.

“School pasta pot £2, versus home batch cooking 20 lunch pots (15p each £3 for the lot of ingredients) and he knows exactly what’s in it. It tasted delicious too.

“Batch cooking is great for families who are busy or people that live alone.

“Nutritious food cooked just the way you like it, when you want it and a fraction of the price.”

Since posting her advice in the group, Stephie receiving a flurry of likes and comments praising her frugal tactic – as reports the Daily Mail.

One mother said: “Well done. Both are really good life skills – cooking and budgeting.”

“Brilliant teaching a lad how to look after himself how to economise and eat healthily as well.”

To keep those bills down as low as possible, make sure you’re shopping in the cheapest super market out there.

Meanwhile one mum went a step beyond to keep the costs of living down, by feeding her family with food she found in bins.

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