Based on analysis of more than 14,000 eating occasions, captured through an online survey conducted each spring, summer and fall since 2012, The Hartman Group found a significant increase in the percentage of adults eating early morning snacks and late night meals or snacks.

In 2021, nearly a quarter (23%) of respondents reported eating an early morning snack – which is different from breakfast and from a mid-morning snack – up from 19% the year before and 20% in 2019 before the pandemic.

In the same time period, respondents eating late night snacks or meals rose to 22% in 2021 from 19% in 2020 – almost a full recovery to the 24% who reported doing so pre-pandemic.

This shift has come at the expense of more traditional meals and snacks, according to the research, which found the percentage of Americans eating breakfast fell to 59% in 2021 from 63% in 2020.

‘The basic rhythm of eating and drinking across the day shifted’

The percentage of US adults that eat lunch also fell to 62% in 2021 from 67% in 2020, as did those who ate dinner, which dropped to 75% from 80%. Afternoon snacking also took a hit – dropping to 32% in 2021 from 38% the year before. Mid-morning snacking managed to hold its own for the most part, dipping only slightly to 21% from 22% in the same period.

“The basic rhythm of eating and drinking across the day shifted. On average, fewer Americans were participating in breakfast or after dinner snack occasions when compared to pre-pandemic levels,”​ Renee Wheeler, a senior consultant with The Hartman Group said.

She explained that this shift from the main part of the day to early morning and late evening reflects “consumers’ return to some sort of pre-pandemic routine in terms of going to work outside the home and seeking out evening social life.”