The complications of consuming foods with nickel by people allergic to this element are extremely serious.
Nickel is the main cause of contact dermatitis, which causes great discomfort in the person who suffers from it. More than 15% of the population is allergic to this metal, which is present in cutlery, coins, glasses and many more objects that make up our daily lives.
In addition to contact dermatitis, nickel causes food intolerance and allergy. And we also find it forming part of the composition of some foods.
The consequences of taking these foods can be fatal. From pulmonary embolisms to heart problems, stomach pain, chronic bronchitis or high chances of developing cancer of the larynx or prostate. The complications of consuming foods with nickel by people with Nickel allergy food are extremely serious. Hence, they must follow a special diet to prevent any allergic reaction.
Catering companies specialized in providing this type of service must prepare menus avoiding those foods that contain nickel. Thus, those allergic to this element will have to avoid taking the following products:
- Vegetables: beans, radishes, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, celery, mushrooms and leeks.
- Legumes: beans, lima beans, peas, beans (white and black), soybeans and lentils.
- Fish and shellfish: herrings, prawns, mussels, oysters and salmon.
- Fruits: pears, plums, kiwis, grapes and figs.
- Nuts: almonds, peanuts, cashews, raisins and walnuts.
- Cereals: oats, millet, corn and buckwheat or black.
- Fats: margarines
- Sweets: chocolate and other cocoa derivatives.
- Preserves: canned products.
In addition to avoiding the consumption of these foods, people who are allergic to nickel should try to cook in containers that are not made of stainless steel, since nickel is present in them.In some shops we can find utensils made of steel that do not contain nickel (18/0 stainless steel). These can be a very interesting option. If not, we can resort to pots and pans made of iron, Teflon without PFOA or enamel. In the case of the recent ones made of enamel, it will be necessary to confirm that they do not have lead, since this metal is highly toxic.
With regard to cutlery, we can opt for cutlery made of 18/0 stainless steel. Although, if we can choose, it is better to bet on ceramic cutlery and utensils. In this sense, we must mention Kyocera, a Japanese firm that manufactures nickel-free cutlery and other household items. Certainly a brilliant choice for all those allergic to this metal.